|Homeschool Q&A|With Lizzy!!|

Hello friends!!

Today I am doing a Q&A about being homeschooled, with the sweet Lizzy!! Definitely, check out her blog, it is amazing!! 

I am so excited for the post!! It should be great fun!! Both Lizzy and I have been homeschooled! Lizzy is all done, she is going to college in the fall of this year. And I am in 10th grade.

Lizzy is gonna ask me some questions first, then I will ask her some! 

Lizzy= Italic

Me= Bold 


What time do you start school on average?

It does depend, but we are usually done with breakfast and starting on stuff by 9:30am. 

Nice! We start around then too!


Have you ever played a sport or taken dance classes?

I have not. 

 Interesting! Did you ever want to? 

Not really. haha!


 Have you ever done a co-op? If so, for how many years?

Yes. That is a good question, haha. I think it will be our second year. 

Haha. Fun! I did my co-op for three years!😉 

Very nice!! 


 Did your mom create her own curriculum or did you follow a certain one?

Well, it seems like about every year we are doing something different. We use some curriculum, but also random books and programs. So, not one certain curriculum.

So, not one certain curriculum.  Wow! Super neat! We did a little of that, but we tried to follow a few curriculums over the years.


 Do you stay in your PJ’s until lunch? If not, do you dress up or go for casual?

Nope! Sadly. Some days I just wanna stay cozy. But some days I do go for leggings and cozy shirt, so it is basically PJs! 😀 It depends on the day. If we are going somewhere or not. But, usually pretty casual. 

Leggings, yes girl! I love mine that are soft and fuzzy inside!😃  Awe, sadness! 😞 I at least stayed in mine until Math was over(first subject) #least favorite subject. I couldn’t bear it otherwise. *laughs while remembering those days* 

Ohh!! Cozy!! Haha, that is great!! Yes, math is my least favorite subject too!! 


 How many hours do you do school for usually? 

Id would say about 4-6. It just depends on how much work we have, how fast we move, what we have going on and stuff like that. 😀 

Yeah, we are the same!😝 *high fives you*

*receives the high five*


How long is your lunch break?

As long as we make it, haha. Usually about 20-40 minutes. 

Haha! Ikr? We always tried to make lunch last!😂 * falls over laughing because other homeschoolers do the same thing*

Haha. That is great! 😀 


Do you have snow/bad weather days?

My Dad is a public school teacher ( I know, it is kinda weird) so if he takes off or gets off, then we usually do too. So that is nice!! *dances* 

 So that is nice!! *dances* Wow! That is SO funny! 😂 That is a super fantastic perk!  *dances with you* 😜 *high fives you again because that is really awesome*

Yes, it is!! Haha, thanks!! 😛 


 I had so much fun reading your answers, Gracie! Thanks for doing this with me! It was SOOO much fun!

Yay!! I had a ton of fun too!! Thanks for doing this with me!! *hugs* 

Now it is my turn! 

Me= Bold 

Lizzy= Italic


Were you a social homeschool kid?

Yes and no…when I was younger, I was less out there which is probably the case for everyone. I was always social, but I could be slightly shy with strangers. I also think I became more social as I took part in things like co-op and volleyball which makes sense.

Gotcha. Yes, that makes sense. 


Did you have to take tests?

Good question! Not until about 6th grade! 

Very nice! Since my Dad is a teacher, I’ve only had to take a few tiny tests, nothing big. I am super grateful for that!


Did you get to sleep in?

On average, not really, but a few times we definitely did! 

Very nice! 


Where you usually ahead of behind of your right grade?

I was right on target! In middle school and high school, I was probably ahead by how much I read though! My high school book list was close to 350 books!

That is great! WOW, that is a ton of books! That is awesome, girly! 


Did you go on field trips?

Really fantastic question! Yes!! Museums, aquariums, nature trips, and the zoo!

Thanks, haha. That is soo fun!!! I love all those places! 


Did you take classes at a co-op? If so, what classes?

Yes, I sure did! well, I was an assistant teacher of Kindergarten and 2nd grade. I took Art, Math, Economics, Debate, and Personal Finance!

A helper for Kindergarten and 2nd grade! That is so neat!! 


Did you have to do school even if you were sick?

Sometimes, but not is I had the flu or fever!

Understandable. 😉 


Did you ever get snow days?

Ah, yes, this is a homeschooler’s question! 

Haha. Yes, it really is. 😛 

Not really! My mom sometimes would use that as motivation! Like is we finish faster, we get to play faster! But, if it has snowed a ton like a foot or so, we did about a half day’s work! 

Haha. I love you Mom’s tactic! Very smart!! 


That was great fun!! I hope you enjoyed reading it, and maybe we gave you some good inside into what homeschool life can be like! 🙂




Are/were you homeschooled? 

Did you like this post? What more  Q&A posts? 


55 thoughts on “|Homeschool Q&A|With Lizzy!!|

  1. Alas, once I was homeschooled. My mom is pretty strict though. I’ve never had a snow day. One day, I should do a Q&A with a traditional homeschooler and compare their life to my life (I’m cyber private schooled now)

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Hey Natalie! Sounds like fun! I am technically on a hiatus right now in preparation for my school’s midterm exams, but I contacted you through your blog to see if you’d like to do the collab when I get back in February!

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Cool post! I am not homeschooled, but it is a really cool idea if I ever have kids. It seems like a lot of people are homeschooled these days!

    ~Arabella (anythinginthewonderfullife.wordpress.com)

    Liked by 1 person

      1. The fundamentals of drawing. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen my other blog over at destinytodraw.wordpress.com, I do a lot of drawing…


  3. This was very interesting to read. I, myself, was homeschooled for about ten years before I went to TAFE (community college) last year. I’m currently in the process of becoming a qualified Pastry Chef which has been pretty fun. I hope you will enjoy the rest of your homeschooling journey. Many Blessings, Grace. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Being someone who went to public school her whole life, I found this really interesting and it answered many questions I’ve always wondered! Thank you haha


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